Icy Strait Lodge Hoonah Alaska Lodging, Car Rentals, Boat Rentals, Restaurant & Bar
Reservations (907) 531-1853
Icy Strait Lodge Hoonah Alaska Lodging, Car Rentals, Boat Rentals, Restaurant & Bar
Reservations (907) 531-1853
Why spend a fortune on a guided bear tour when you can explore the island at your own pace for a fraction of the cost?
Our car rentals provide you with the peace of mind you need to relax and enjoy nature the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
NEW Auto Rental: Subaru Forester
This car seats 4 comfortably.
Auto Rental :Subaru Outback
This car seats 4 comfortably.
Auto Rental : Jeep Liberty
This car seats 4 comfortably.
NEW Auto Rental : Nissan Frontier
This car seats 4 comfortably.
NEW Auto Rental : Kia Sorento
This car seats 5 comfortably.
Auto Rental : Ford F250
This car seats 5 comfortably.
Auto Rental : Nissan Xterra
This car seats 5 comfortably.
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